Whether hard work is key to Success
article tells you about the hard to believe facts about hard work. Actually are
you hardworking in the right path? If so why you are not earning well. Read
this article to know more about this. Whether hard work is key to success?
Ask any wealthy man the secret of his success, and ten to one he'll say,
"Hard work". He has two
reasons for saying it.
• He believes that it is true.
• He hopes it will inspire other people to work hard,
especially if they happen to work for him.
But, of course, it is nonsense. If hard
work alone were the route to a fortune,
every downtrodden Chinese rice planter, every sweating Bolivian tin
miner, every scrawny Indian dung gatherer would be a billionaire.
Most Western people
believe that hard work is a virtue in itself, regardless of its outcome. It is
a tenet of faith as strong as - in some countries, even stronger than - any of
the Ten Commandments.
The State encourages hard
work, or would if it knew how. The Church
sanctifies it. Individuals admire it, especially when carried out by
Historically, this
made sense. For centuries, the measure of a man's worth was how many stones he could cut in a day, how
many acres he could scythe, how many
bushels he could heft, how many horseshoes he could hammer. Apart from
prowess in combat, it was the only criterion for advancement.
In pioneering communities, the work
imperative was even stronger. You cleared your own forest, yanked your own
stumps, planted your own crops, built your own house, dug your own well. You
worked hard or, in the harshest environments, you perished.
But in today's world
of business, the only certain reward for hard work is - more hard work. Everybody knows the truism,
"If you want a job well done, give it to a busy man." But nobody
thinks about the obvious corollary,
"The harder you work, the more they'll pile onto you."
Hard work can harm your career
Does hard work help to advance your career? Not necessarily. Consider, for example, the case of poor old Wilkins there. His desk light bums brightly into the night as he wrestles with the complexities of Export Sales (Unallocated Territories). He knows how to "massage" the relatives of that African dictator, down to the remotest cousin and the smallest percentage. He knows more about the import licensing regulations of the Indian sub-continent than the Indians, Pakistanis and Sri Lankans who keep importuning him for credit. He knows about money hedging and how not to get caught with your pesetas down. He knows the bank holidays in Venezuela. F.O.B.s and C.I.F.s, bills of lading and letters of credit are meat and drink to him. He moves paper in quantities that would daunt a bulldozer driver.
And when a promotion - Export Sales
Manager, say - crops up, will he get it? No chance.You can imagine the
"Wilkins? Steady
chap. Bit desk-bound though."
"A bit too desk
bound, in my view. I can't see him handling a field staff."
"Or entertaining
the Sultan of Brunei, ha ha."
"Or getting our
new prices past Leathery Fred in Australia."
"Look, let's be honest.
We've no-one else who can nail his job down the way he does. Move Wilkins, and
we've no-one to train his placement either. It's tough on him, but..."
"OK, Carstairs it
is, then... Lunch, anybody?"
Poor, hard-working
Wilkins. So long as he can cope with the deluge he will get no help: companies
these days do not work that way. With no help - no assistant to train - he has
to keep on coping, no matter how the volume of work increases, because he has no
way out. And, by coping single-handed and so getting no increment for
"supervision", he might even be earning less than he would if he had
two assistants.
There are thousands
of Wilkinses, in all sorts of jobs, in all sorts of companies. Week after week they plough on doggedly,
coping somehow, neglecting their families, oblivious to the fact that all they
are doing is digging themselves into a hole. So plan yourself to work hard in right path. hard work is not the key to success. Its your path which you took for working hard.
Categories: hard work, hard work is key to success